Tip: If you're having trouble sending messages or you find that your messages are not getting delivered, visit our messaging troubleshooting section for help.
Sending a message is easy with TextFree. See below for more information on how to send a message using TextFree mobile or Web.
For detailed steps on sending messages via TextFree Web, visit this article for instructions.
Tip: Try recording & sending an audio message from TextFree! Tap and hold the
in the text message box to record an audio message, then tap the send arrow.
- Tap on the new message icon
(upper right corner of your inbox)
- Type the name (if you have the contact saved in your contacts list) or enter the phone number of the person you wish to send a message to
- Click the contact name (or finish typing in the phone number)
- Type your message in the text box
- Tap 'Send'
- After sending, your messages will appear in a conversation thread (see below):
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