If you are having trouble logging into your account because you forgot your password, please click on one of the sections below for more information as it pertains to the current status of your account.
If you forgot your password and...
Accordion Section 1 Name: You have access to the email associated with your account
We can send a link via email to reset your password. Here's how:
- Visit the TextFree mobile login page.
- Enter the username or email associated with your account.
- Tap Forgot Password?
- On the next screen, tap Send Reset Link.
- A reset link will be sent to your registered email where you can reset your password (if verified).
- If you need to verify your account, contact support and we can re-send the verification email as this is required to receive the reset password link.
- Open the reset password email.
- Ensure your NEW password meets the following requirements:
- At least 8 characters.
- At least 1 upper case letter.
- At least 1 special character. (such as !?*&%@)
- At least 1 number.
- Select Update to save your new password.
Items to note:
- If you can't find the email, check your spam folder.
- For Yahoo email addresses, we have noticed a delay in receiving the reset email. Please check your email periodically after you send the reset link as it may take some time to arrive.
- Passwords cannot contain spaces. If they do, you'll see an "Invalid Password" error message.
- You must create a password that is not considered "common" or is easily guessed. If your password does not meet ALL of the requirements stated above, you will receive an error message and won't be able to update your password until each requirement is met.
Accordion Section 2 Name: Your email has changed OR you no longer have access to your original email
If you don't have access to your original email, you will be unable to reset your TextFree password. The reset password link can only be sent to the email you used when registering for a TextFree account.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Accordion Section 3 Name: You did not verify your email when originally creating your account
You can either:
- Try to locate the original verification email with the subject line "Welcome to Textfree!" & proceed to verify your account or
- Contact Support and ask that we re-send the verification email.
Once your account is verified, you can then follow steps 1-5 (seen in the first section above) to send a reset password link to your verified email.
--Accordion End--
If you have further questions, please submit a request.
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